Tasked with increasing the amount of new member acquisitions and retaining them by restructuring how audiobooks are presented. Collaborated with three different Product Managers to define the sites’ business requirements. Developed pixel perfect prototypes for the entire UX Department. Co-conceptualized a new product for Amazon.
Established an agile structure accelerating product time to market by 23%.
Product detail click-thru-rate up 400 bps.
Search click-thru-rate is down from 40.3% to 18.8%.
Revenue per visitor is 3% higher.
Conversion to recurring membership up 40bps.
Bounce rate down from 13% to 11.5%.
Solicited customer feedback: 67% is overwhelmingly positive.
The site launched in 2013.

A prototype I developed shows some of the key interactions. It was built for key stakeholder buy in so it is a scripted path and not all of the interactions work. If you are brave enough, feel free to try the script.
1. Scroll through the top marketing carousel to see all four marketing messages.
2. Rollover Divergent and click on Quick View
3. Click on "PLAY PREVIEW NOW" (you can pause the audio)
5. Click on "What is Membership"
6. Close the pop-up by click the red dot in the upper left corner of the pop-up
7. "Improve your recommendation" to see what you can do and then "close" it back up
8. Click "See Full Details"
9. Click "Free with Membership" in the Buy Box
10. Click "Sign up and Save"
11. CLick "Become a Member"
Congratulations you reached the end.
2. Rollover Divergent and click on Quick View
3. Click on "PLAY PREVIEW NOW" (you can pause the audio)
5. Click on "What is Membership"
6. Close the pop-up by click the red dot in the upper left corner of the pop-up
7. "Improve your recommendation" to see what you can do and then "close" it back up
8. Click "See Full Details"
9. Click "Free with Membership" in the Buy Box
10. Click "Sign up and Save"
11. CLick "Become a Member"
Congratulations you reached the end.
An earlier responsive concept (note: takes a long time to load)
User Flow for Cloud Player